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VINCA (Catharanthus roseus)

Thursday, June 1, 2017

BERBERIS ( Berberis aristata)


Synonym: Chutro, Mountain grape, Berberry

Biological source: It consists of  dried rhizomes and roots of  Berberis aristata and other species of  berberis belonging to family Berberidaceae.

Geographical source: The plants are found in rocky mountain range of North America. Some species are also found in Nepal, India and Bhutan.

Macroscopic characteristics:
-Color: Light yellow brown externally and brownish green internally.
-Shape: Simple or branched cylindrical with longitudinal wrinkles.
-Size: variable, upto 45 mm in diameter
-Odor: Slight
-Taste: Bitter

Microscopic characteristics:
-Cork contains some collapsed cells.
-Cortex contains yellowish amorphous contents.
-Starch grains are present in pith region.

Chemical constituents: Berberine, oxcanthine and berbamine. It also contains resins and starch.

-It is used as bitter tonic.
-It shows anti-inflammatory activity.
-It is useful in intestinal and hepatic amoebiasis.


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