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VINCA (Catharanthus roseus)

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

EPHEDRA (Ephedra sinica)


Synonym: Somlata, horse tail

Biological source: It consists of  dried stem and other aerial parts of  Ephedra sinica and other species of  ephedra like Ephedra gerardiana.

Geographical source: Ephedra are found in Nepal, India and other South Asian countries. In Nepal Ephedra gerardiana is found at altitude of  Western Himalayas.

Macroscopic characteristics:
-Color: Grey to greenish
-Odor: Slight
-Taste: Bitter and astringent
-Fracture: Fibrous
-Extra features: The stem nodes are at a distance of about 3-3.5 cm. It bears scaly leaves from nodes in a whorl of 2. The leaves are joined o all sides of the node forming a sheath.

Microscopic characteristics:
-Epidermis is surrounded b thick cuticle.
-Ca-oxalate crystals are found in cortex.
-Vascular bundles are arranged in circles encircling parenchymatous pith.
-Sclerenchymatous pateneues are found beneath epidermis.

Chemical constituents: It contains proto-alkaloid among which Ephedrine is important. Others are nor-ephedrine, n-methyl ephedrine, pseudoephidrine etc.

-Ephedra is a bronchodilator so it is used in the treatment of asthma.
-It is also used to lower blood pressure.
-It is used in the treatment of allergic conditions like rhinitis.


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