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VINCA (Catharanthus roseus)

Thursday, June 1, 2017

RAUWOLFIA (Rauwolfia serpentina)


Synonym: Sapagandha, Indian snake root.

Biological source: It consists of  dried rhizomes and roots of  Rauwolfia serpentina belonging to family Apocynaceae.

Geographical source: The plant is native to India, Burma, Malaysia etc. It is also found in Nepal and Pakistan.
Macroscopic characteristics:
-Color: Grayish yellow to light brown externally and pale yellow internally.
-Shape: Sub cylindrical, slightly tapered.
-Size: 2-10 cm long and 5-22 mm in diameter.
-Odor: Odorless
-Taste: Bitter

Microscopic characteristics:
-Cork is stratified followed by phelloderm.
-Phloem parenchyma contains Ca-oxalate crystals and starch grains.

Chemical constituents: It contains more than 60 indole alkaloids out of these Reserpine and rescinnamine is pharmacologically important.

-Rauwolfia is used as anti-hypertensive.
-It is also used to treat insomnia.
-It is used as an antidote for snake venom.


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