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VINCA (Catharanthus roseus)

Saturday, May 27, 2017

PIPALA (Piper longum)


Scientific name: Piper longum

Common name: long pepper

Family: piperaceae

Habit: a slender aromatic climber

Parts used: dried fruits

Chemical constituents: It consists of alkaloids piperine,piplartine and piplasterol(about 6%), 1% essential oil and pungent resin.

-fruits are used as spice and also in pickles and preserves
-fruits and roots are used for disease of respiratory tract, as counter irritant and analgesic when applied locally for muscular pains and inflammation and as snuff in coma and drowsiness
-internally as carminative, tonic, haematinic, emmenagogue, abortificient, antihelmintic and also in dysentery and leprosy
-fruit is useful in snakebite, scorpion sting and night blindness


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