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VINCA (Catharanthus roseus)

Thursday, June 1, 2017

VINCA (Catharanthus roseus)


Synonym: Catharanthus, Periwinkle.

Biological source: It consists of  dried entire part of  Catharanthus roseus. It is also called Vinca rosea. It belongs to family Apocynaceae.

Geographical source: It is indigenous to Madagascar. It is cultivated in South Africa, India, USA, Europe, Australia, Nepal as an ornamental part as well as for its medicinal use.

Macroscopic characteristics:
-Color: Green(leaves), pale grey(roots), violet, pink,white or calamine red flowers.
-Odor: Slight or characteristic
-Taste: Bitter
-Leaves: simple, petiolate ovate or oblong, entire with acute glossy appearance.

Microscopic characteristics:
-Presence of unicellular covering trichomes.
-Spongy cell 5-8 layered.
-Mid rid shows presence of collenchyma.
-Absence of Ca-oxalate crystals

Chemical constituents: Important alkaloid present are Vincristine and Vinblastin, others are Serpentine, Ajmalincine, Lochnerine etc.

-The chemotherapeutic agent Vincristine and Vinblastin are used to treat various forms of cancers.
-The extracts form plant have been used against numerous diseases like malaria, diabetes, Hodgkin's lymphoma etc.


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