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VINCA (Catharanthus roseus)

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

BARRO (Terminalia belerica)


Vernacular name: Barro
English name: Beleric myrobalan
Botanical name: Terminalia belerica

Family: Combretaceae

Parts used: Fruits

Habitat: The tree is found in all decidious forest of Nepal upto altitude of 100 m.

Chemical constituents: Tannins, phyllemblin, ellagic acid etc.

Morphology: Fruits are dark brown to black in color. They are odorless and the taste is astrigent. The fruits are globular and 1.3-2 cm in length. The fruits are pulpy with hard and stony seeds.

-It is used as laxative and in the treatment of dyspepsia.
-The gum of barro is used as demulcent.
-It is an important ingredient of Ayurvedic preparation Triphala Churna.


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