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VINCA (Catharanthus roseus)

Friday, May 26, 2017

YARSHAGUMBA (Cordyceps sinensis)


Vernacular name: Yarshagumba, Jeevanbuti
English name: Caterpillar fungus, Chinese caterpillar
Botanical name: Cordyceps sinensis
Family: Clavicipitaceae

Parts used: Entire plant

Habitat: Himalayan region; Eastern through western Nepal (3900-4500 m)

Morphology: Yarshagumba is actually a fungus growing on a caterpillar belonging to family Hepialidae. It exists as caterpillar in winter and as fungus in monsoon. The plant comes out of the anterior end of the caterpillar during the monsoon season.
The fungus is parasitic on the caterpillar. After the caterpillar dies, the drug is collected. It contains yellowish white stalk of 5-8 cm long. Entire drug containing the caterpillar measures about 15 cm.

Chemical constituents: D-mannitol, Ergosterol, adenosine, palmitic acid etc.

-The drug is considered to be vital tonic and is taken with cows milk and honey. It is used to tonify lungs and kidney.
-It is used in chronic cough, hemoptysis and asthma.
-It is used in treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.
-It strengthens the immune system.
-It is considered to be an aphrodisiac and used in the treatment of impotence.


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