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VINCA (Catharanthus roseus)

Monday, May 29, 2017

BOJHO (Acorus calamus)


Scientific name: Acorus calamus

Common name: sweet flag, calamus, sweet root

Family: Araceae

Habit: Rhizomatous herb

Parts used: dried rhizome

Chemical constituents: The drug contains 1.5-3.5% aromatic volatile oil. Asaratdehyde, asarone and eugenol are major compounds. Other substances like acorine, resin and tanin are also present.

-rhizome is emetic, stomachic and also used to treat cough, cold, throat infection, bronchitis, dysentery and other gastric problems
-warm decoction of rootstock is used to wash mouth to treat pyorrhea
-as medicine root and rhizome extract is applied externally in joints pain, in kidney and liver troubles, rheumatism and eczema
-powdered rhizome are regarded as vermifuge, emetic, antisapasmdic, carminative and also used in fever and sinus
-it is taken to promote memory, longevity, good voice and as flavouring agent.


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